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The Home of Cringe now contains continuous (i.e. more often than quarterly) updates:
Currents and
Contacts sections with
breaking news,
new reviews,
trivia and
contact directories.
On a slightly (only slightly) more serious note: Cringe will be offering WWW page space and design to bands, organizations and other non-corporate or non-business type local music related entities. If ya happen ta be a corporate or business entity, I may still be able to help out, but the procedures, payments and such will most likely differ. Fer now, if yer interested in web space at the Home of Cringe, contact me. Im willing to take recordings, band paraphernalia, cheap tix and/or money as payment for these services. I also reserve the right to pick and choose from those interested. Even I have my time limitations and priorities (sleep, food, fun, work, etc.).
The next issue of Cringe may or may not be in July. Im contemplating skipping the next issue since things tend to die down a bit around here in the Summer. If there is a Summer issue, it will once again focus on updating the local recording label catalogs and maybe recording studios. Any input? In either case, the Web site is continually updated, added to and expanded. News, reviews, info and the like are generally added to the Website a couple times a month. So, yes, it does make sense to send in such items as they come to you.
Have fun, Joel Treadway
Nathan Weaver via CRINGE Joel [email protected] Jen Angel [email protected] Bill Hart [email protected] http://er4www.eng.ohio-state.edu/~hartw/index.html Anonymous via Cringe Mark G. [email protected] http://www.infinet.com/~markg/columbus.html Triggahappy http://www.infinet.com/~ggeoffre/triggahappy.html ele mental/Ed Luna [email protected] http://coil.com/~eluna/ele_ment/ Columbus Punk Site [email protected] http://www.ganet.net/~jc9/columbus/ Lizard Family Music [email protected] http://www.lfm.com/ Columbus Alive http://www.alivewired.com/ Columbus Pages http://www.columbuspages.com/nightlife/index.html OSU Dept. of Dance http://www.dance.ohio-state.edu/ Vegan's Ate My Brain/Ohio Punx Pages [email protected] http://web.syr.edu/%7Erspikkel/vegans.html Nash TicketMaster http://www.ticketmaster.com/ Log: The World Wide Web Page http://users.aol.com/kellyknuth/index.htm Bill Cliffords Regional Radio site http://www.bgsu.edu/classes/tcom451-1/williac/links.html Anti-Racist Action Kenny Schweickart/For A Better OhioThanks to Frog a mungus, Jettison Charlie, Pet UFO, Combine, the Joint Rockers, Please, Creeper, the White-Outs, Hairy Patt, Jaques Noir, Chrome Frog, Bernard D. Stillery, Eric Sims and the Lantern.
Special thanks to John "William" Lennon and Nathan "Little Bird" Weaver for editing; and to Jen "Jabs" Storm and Internet Concourse for helping make Cringe available on the web and on paper.
Cringe In-Pressed?
Thanks fer the review of Bigfoot. Glad that you liked them so much. Who knows maybe your review will end up in a press kit somewhere and you could feel good about it.
Ive been meaning to ask you about the people that you said wanted Earwig to come and play in Minneapolis (right?). Well we might be headed up that way for a few shows in May , so I could use the contact info.
Thanks and hello.
- Lizard of Lizard Family Music/Earwig
([email protected] or
Hey Joel... Thanks for Cringe. You do a heeeeelll of a job!
- Jay ([email protected])
How Happy
Hey Man...whats up ... I sing for the band (Triggahappy) and it seems that I forget to submit our entry into Cringe all the time. If this is the way to submit it, that'd be nice, but if not just tell me...
I finally [found] your web site, it's pretty nifty! ... thanks for the help.
- John of Triggerhappy ([email protected] / http://www.infinet.com/~ggeoffre/triggahappy.html
Joels comments: I take submissions anyway ya can get �em to me. Of course emailing them to me at [email protected] is the easiest (semi-automated) way for me. But my general email address ( [email protected]) and any version thereof will get to me too. Submissions can be mailed, dropped at my door or phoned in (maybe even faxing soon). Remember, Cringe accepts submission and updates to the Web site continuously. The deadlines are just fer the next compiled/hardcopy issue.
Happy Hour
Great thing your doing. A real plus to all music lovers. However, speaking only for myself I enjoy getting a litte fired up before the show, if ya know what I mean? Do you think you could include happy-hour places around campus areas? I think that addition to your postings of weekly events would truly round things out.
Thanks for your time, and keep up the great work! If there is anything I could assist in with the happy hour thing let me know. - Kevin J. ([email protected])
Joels Comments: I told Kevin if he and his drinkin buddies compile the happy hours, Ill include it on the website. I aint doin it myself �cause, aside from not being a big drinker to begin with, I hate beer. Besides, I like to focus on more musical aspects. If anyone else has info like this theyd like contribute, add or request, let me know.
Can We Play?
Hi Joel. Can you please add Tera to your mailing list? We want to play trivia. Thanks. - Michelle ([email protected])
Cut Short
I was trying to access the Bands section of the 6.1 edition of Cringe, but there is some sort of error in the source code. The reviews and band descriptions only go down to Gaunt (which is incomplete also).
I was trying to access this Bands page because I was trying to print out the review of the new Mike Rep and The Quotas album that was in this section. Thanks.
- Bill ([email protected] or
Joels comments: Bill helped me discover a problem that anyone else out ther using Fetch 3.0 on a Mac may want to be aware of: it seems Fetch 3.0 has an upload file size limit of 32k - anything beyond the 32k point is snipped. 32k is a magic Mac text file size limit, so this is probably a Mac system limitation that this version of Fetch doesnt bypass properly. Some older versions of Fetch dont seem to have this problem , so try reverting. If you notice problems like this, let me know - I got to the above error report within a few hours of Bills sending it. The fix only took a few minutes beyond that. I aint slackin all the time.
Cringe ... It Does a Body Better
- from Bill Cliffords Regional Radio site ([email protected] / http://www.bgsu.edu/classes/tcom451-1/williac/links.html)
Not Good ... Great!!
Milo's Home Page The page of Moody Jackson!! Check it out!!
THE new bomb turks The great New Bomb Turks!! This is a really really good page for an even better bands.
SONIKD A page of links and information mainly concerning the Columbus music scene.
World Wide Punk: Punk Bands - Directory of Punk/Hardcore bands on The Net If you can't get it from the title, you must be retarded.
Ted Hattemer's HomePage Ted Hattemer's page, the drummer of the Thomas Jefferson Slave Appartments and Moviola. Very good page.
The HOME of CRINGE -- COLUMBUS, OHIO USA A Columbus, OH music zine. Great page, even has some sound clips!!
- from [email protected]/Cool-Ass Links ([email protected] / http://www.ganet.net/~jc9/links.html)
The Home of Cringe now contains continuous (i.e. more often than quarterly) updates:
Currents and
Contacts sections with
breaking news,
new reviews,
trivia and
contact directories.