News 10/24/07
Hey Kids! Well, quite obviously, Diaphragm Records is largely inactive... I have no immediate plans to do any further releases, save perhaps a retrospective compilation CD that I've thought about doing for a long time. Most all releases in the catalog are still available, though... so place an order and get in on the rock! At present, I have started my own handyman business, cuz I'm tired of working for the man. I'm an insured electrical contractor and do general home repair and pressure washing. Check it out HERE, and give me a shout! So long for now! -ike
News 12/27/04
A Planet For Texas just finished recording & mixing 3 new gems for the ages... currently being mastered by the master Jon Chinn, for the next Diaphragm 7" vinyl chartbuster! Title track is the APFT classic "Mars Needs Cheerleaders" b/w the brand new "Drink, Drink... Fuck, Fuck!" and "Return To Akron". Only 500 of these gems will be minted, 300 in colored vinyl with more sexy artwork from King Conrath, so email me if ya wanna reserve one!
Fri. Jan. 7 @ Oldfield's, w/ The Early Empire
Fri. Jan. 14 @ Bernie's w/ MUSTARD PLUG!
News 9/24/04
Classical Ass and Greenlawn Abbey CD's are here and available for mail order and online order on the re-vamped Catalog page! Estee Louder due back any day, so place your mail order now! Check out also got a new page started for your newest rock heros CLASSICAL ASS! So check it out, Foo! More photos, reviews & news you can use is on the way, so check back soon!

ESTEE LOUDER "Ohio's Best" 10-Song CD is on the way... Check out these excellently awesome preview mp3's!
Gunned Down ( 2:01 - 1.84 MB )
Dead By Dawn (2:08 - 1.96 MB )
News 8/26/04
Summer's here kiddies! And life is great, cuz I got a brand new grill, and the two newest releases on Diaphragm are off at the presses. and a third is not far behind! First, a 17-track disc from CLASSICAL ASS featuring King Conrath from The Staggers and Reasonable Steve Texas of APFT fame. Next, the 12-track debut disc by new Cowtown pop-rock sensations GREENLAWN ABBEY. If that ain't enough, look for the new full-length disc from ESTEE LOUDER! Can you dig it?
Taking a little longer than we thought... but, like a fine wine, these things take time!!! I'll have webpages up for both bands in a week or two, so check back. Need a taste? Dig on these hot, hot preview Mp3's!
Crab Racer ( 1:08 - 1.04MB )
Neutrino (1:51 - 1.7MB )
Super Eight ( 2:42 - 2.48MB )
Ladykick ( 2:37 - 2.4MB )
So it's been eight years since the demise of DOGROCKET... and I think that any record that hits the 8 year mark should be public domain. So here it is, in it's entirety, the 1996 classic full length "The More You Get, The More You Want" ...yours for the taking. Click HERE for my mp3 page and scroll down! These days you can find J.D. Dallas tearin' it up with THE FAVORS. Get on over and buy their brand-spankin' new CD, biotch! Diamond Ike Midnight, of course, plays in A PLANET FOR TEXAS, and dreams of a world without pants.
Reviews are rollin' in for the new disc by FAT ASS so check 'em out! You can also pick up issue #52 of Lollipop Magazine to get a free CD mp3 comp. with "104 Northeast Drive" along with dozens of other tracks & media from some cool bands. Rumor has it that the boys might do some tour dates this summer! Stay tuned Rock Lovers.

If you ain't got it yet, surf on over to our Catalog page and get your own copy of "We Have Come For Your Mothers," The perfect summer companion for all your grilling and drinking events!!!

A PLANET FOR TEXAS is taking somewhat of a breather, but the boys are Workbook studio-bound sometime in the next few months to work on a brand new 7". Viva La Vinyl!!! Looks like a two song slab with a new version of the '90's classic "Mars Needs Cheerleaders" b/w the new chart-topper "Drink Drink, Fuck Fuck!!" ...High Fuckin' Brow!!! Only 500 of these gems will be minted. (in colored vinyl, of course.)
We're looking for outta town shows this summer & fall, if you'd like to trade shows or can help us out with a show in your 'berg, drop me an email here

Surf on over to HUSSIESKUNK.COM and SFL Records to pick up the new "Mullets & Alcoholics" CD Comp. that features "Reaganomicon" by APFT along with dozens of tracks from the area's best & brightest! Also of note, get on over to the APFT website for a bitchin' new Quicktime video for the song "Reaganomicon"! Post-production is nearly complete on another video for "The Day I Almost Died" by our resident videographer Chris Ratchford. This one has a story-line and should prove to be Mucho Entertainado!
That's it for now... Thanks for visiting!
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