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News and Rumors
Here, you'll find breaking news related to the Columbus, Ohio (OSU/Short North area) music scene. Much of this information may become part of the next issue of
To submit news items, email
[email protected]
with NEWS in the SUBJECT header.
Be it known that effective immediately: The National Musicians Touring Network, The World Musicians Touring Network, Namuto, Namuto Press, Zerone Audio Labs, aznd all related business endeavors have ceased to function.
Any questions may still be addressed to: [email protected]
This address will cease to function in the very near future. Due to the disdain of business and the love of music, I shall be returning to a musicians life and severing all business ties. Thank you for allowing me into your world.
Good Luck and carry on.
- Jeffrey A. Yost (Jan. 31, 1997)
After an issue of two of NAMUTO Press, a tour deal with Pete Best, I got the above message from NAMUTO leader, Jeff Yost. NAMUTO was also helping with Alternative Media Alternative Music (AMAM), a regional music promotions list closely related Cringe. Never fear, Kathode Ray Music (http://www.kathoderay.org/publishing/) and I are still around to deal with the list. - Ed.
Webs in the Works
- Chad VanWagner (Jan. 29, 1997)
Chad's base music (http://www.iwaynet.net/~chadvan/pubhtml/music/music.html) page includes info on Shave The Baby: Datapanik's Greatest Hits, Volume One; Ubu Dance Party: A Tribute To Pere Ubu; and his work with Datapanik in general. - Ed.
Cookie Crumbled by Scum
Cookie Meister is dead. We have started a new band with Jason Becker of the White-Outs as our drummer. The name is now Buck Scum Souls. We still play some of the old tunes with about 50 BPS added to each and a little bit of "rattlesnake" added in as well...
- Ryan Moffett (Jan. 26, 1997)
Yeti and Heifer Spottings
We (Heifer) have a CD that we've been working on for over a year now. We should have the actual product in hand by mid-February or early March ...
Last but certainly not least, there is a new demo tape/album cassette of Bigfoot ... It is a simple recording, (we used a 4-track, and recorded all the electric instruments and the lead vocals live), but I think you'll like it.
- Bill Heingartner (Jan. 16 1997)
Thanks for putting Break-Up! Records in your Label Directory! I appreciate it ... however, a few corrections:
- Please note spelling of my name ("Pat Dull," not "Patt Dull")
- Please note spelling of label (with exclamation point and hyphen: "Break-Up! Records")
- Whole new address: 91 East Patterson Avenue, Columbus, OH 43202 (new zip code, too!)
- Other bands on label: The Revelers and Dogrocket (who else?!?)
- Pat Dull (Jan. 10, 1997)
Sorry, musta been sticky fingers. Either that or my Hairy Patt side was coming through again. - Ed.
Weener Boy/Stupid Kid Recordings
I just wanted to let you know that there is a new smaller than indie label in Columbus. We're called Weener Boy/Stupid Kid Recordings. It's first release is a six song CD e.p. by the Columbus band, Adam.
- Mike Fleet (Jan. 08, 1997)
Kathode Ray Updates
- We've added a chat program to the page for all you musicians and labels out there to network in real time. You don't need any fancy equipment ... just a JAVA browser like Netscape 3. http://www.kathoderay.org/chat/ is the URL.
- I'm working what seems like 24 hours a day trying to get our "shopping cart" program and secure server set up so we can start selling your releases online. If anybody has had experience with either of these and wants to take a look, go to http://www.kathoderay.org/shop/ and please let me know what I'm doing wrong! Hopefully I'll have this up and running within the week, so if you want me to sell your albums go to http://www.kathoderay.org/shop/salesinfo.html for more info.
- New CD called Interior/Exterior Music will be out in February. As usual, we'll be giving the extras away, so be looking for an email telling you how to get one mailed to your home for FREE!
- We're in pre-production on a CD-ROM. It's going to be very similar to what we've been doing with regular audio discs, but each band will get a virtual press kit along with some other cool stuff on the interactive part. We're doing this BELOW COST because of some connections we've established with an upcoming company who thinks it will be good publicity for them. Please let me know if you're interested ... probably around $250-300 per band. That includes the usual 500 discs to radio/media and 25 for you. Email me with questions or ideas.
- If you have a web page that is of interest to the indie music and art community, feel free to drop by the IndieRing Home Page and add it to the list. IndieRing is a program very similar to Link Exchange with the exception that the links are ALL INDIE!
Here are some other URL's from the site that may come in handy:
As always -- please send demos for consideration to:
Kathode Ray Music
1487 W Fifth Ave.
Suite 205
Columbus, OH 43212
- David Hooper (Jan. 07, 1997)
New Local List
My idea behind this (new local shows list) was to send a little reminder to folks on the list a couple days prior to events corresponding to local happenings on the Midwest Show List - sort of an attempt to bolster attendance at the smaller local shows that I list; sort of digital flyering, if you will. Plus it would be a good way for me to inform people of weird things that are cool that I hear about that have no good place on the show list; things I feel need more immediate attention.
- Chris (Jan. 07, 1997)
Magnolia dot Thunderpussy dot Com
The OSU area record store, Magnolia Thunderpussy, is now online. The URL is http://magnolia.thunderpussy.com/
- Joel (Jan. 05, 1997)
Columbus has No Guardian
After what seemed to be revealed as several months of struggling, the Columbus Guardian has thrown in the towel; basically the result of a financial and advertising "this town ain't big enough for the three of us." Yes, now Columbus only has two weekly alternative papers, the Other Paper and Columbus Alive. Don't be surprised if ya see a few Guardian alumni popping up in other papers - maybe even Cringe.
- Joel (Jan. 05, 1997)
Framing a Shocking New Year
Welcome back and happy New Year! Many of you may have been out of touch during the Holidays. This and the next few blurbs should help get you back in step ...
Check out the newly added Shockwave audio clips version of Cringe. You can navigate the Cringe site and links in one frame while a second frame automatically loops through a series of short music clips by local bands. In case it's not obvious, you'll need a Frames compatible browser and the Shockwave plug-in for this to work. Keep in mind, I am still experimenting with Frames and Shockwave.
The Contact Directories have been updated a bit, but more updating is in the works. Get any contact info you can to Cringe anyway you can.
- Joel (Jan. 05, 1997)
Cringe 7.1 Submissions Due
The next Cringe will be out in January. Get your submissions and information in soon. The planned hardcopy version of this issue will actually be a compilation of the last several issues and may very likely be the last hardcopy version of the zine.
- Joel (Jan. 05, 1997)
Media Whores
J.D. and Matt (from Dogrocket), Artie (from Lordburger and Martyr Colony) and myself (Pat Dull) have formed an unholy alliance and unveiled a new band.
Tentatively called "Pat Dull and his Media Whores," we kick more butt than the past twenty years of yer Doc Martens. Rest assured, however: if you didn't like Pop Rocks!.. you won't like this band either. More like Elvis Costello than Nick Lowe this time out ... We've only got four songs, plus a cover (The Who's "The Kid's are Alright"), so the pain won't last too long... Leave 'em wanting more, I always say!
- Pat Dull (Dec. 27, 1996)
Vinnie will be releasing a second tape by the end of Feb. It will contain material recorded at Basement Tracks, 4-track recordings, and maybe a few live recordings. A few acoustic tracks may rise out of the darkness also. A possible 7 inch may be released around May or June. Currently both projects are planned to be released on my label, JENRAZOR, which basically means I am going to make a bunch of tapes and records and take them around to the record stores.
- Rodney of Vinnie (Dec. 10, 1996)
City of Angel, er, Closer
... I'm moving to SF to work on Maximum Rock N roll... :)
- jen (Dec. 02, 1996)
Jen Angel used to run the Midwest Shows List and runs a zine distribution service - including her Fucktooth zine. It looks like all her hard work and time paid off. Keep in touch Jen. - Ed.
Burnt and Hairy
BS (Burnt Sienna Records) announces the upcoming full length release of The Hairy Patt Band. This will be the second full length for the band. Their first full length (on Choke) was a critic's dream and also did well at the stores.
Recording has begun and is expected to be completed by the end of January with a targeted street date in late March/early April.
- Tony Painter (Dec. 01, 1996)
3 Ring Kathode
This month has been a busy one for Kathode Ray Music. We've established a few new sections of the web site that we feel are very important to independent musicians and will be a valuable tool if people make them that way.
- IndieBoard - http://www.kathoderay.org/wwwboard/wwwboard.html
We just set this up TODAY! There isn't anything on it now, but bookmark it now and look for it to grow a lot within the next couple of weeks. IndieBoard is a web-based message board for musicians to discuss various aspects of the music business (writing, recording, publishing, etc) that were not being addressed on usenet newsgroups such as alt.music.independent. The best part is that this will be free from MAKE MONEY FAST! and other non-music garbage! Please drop in and leave any questions, comments, or hints...
- IndieRing - http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/1179/indiering.html
This was established a couple of weeks ago to help link indie artists, bands, journalists, and others together for greater exposure on the Web. Members display the IndieRing banner at the bottom of their page to let users go from one site on the ring to the next. It's very similar to the "Link Exchange" program except that this program is limited to the indie community. Why? So you won't have to worry about your site being a billboard for consumer-oriented junk. The response to IndieRing has been incredible! Join it and you'll see what I mean-- increased traffic to your site, more publicity for your band, and more...
- Recommended Industry Links - http://www.kathoderay.org/main/links.html
This is kind of a "best of" page for our Indie Music Resources page. It includes links that you SHOULD NOT miss including where to list your tour/show dates on-line, music industry chat rooms, magazines looking for indie material to review, hints to help sell your release, and more!
- Dave (Nov. 29, 1996)
Radioland Quake
Forgive me if I'm a little slow, but I just learned that Radioland is no more. A member or two left town. Don't be surprised if the others turn up in some new bands, though.
- Joel (Nov. 24, 1996)
Carnegie Glee
The little bird sang: The OSU Women's Glee Club has been invited to perform at Carnegie Hall. This is kinda hush hush while they see if their budgets and schedules will cooperate.
- Joel (Nov. 23, 1996)
Project 9 News & Info
Firstly, there is a NEW SITE for all people with Internet access. WWAR (The World-Wide Artists' Resource ) has arrived! This site has been co-founded by Project 9 and BURBS (British Unsigned Rock Band Site) located at:
The intention of WWAR is to provide anyone involved in the music industry in any way with a single point to locate the resource they're looking for. The site is minimal on graphics with the emphasis on text listings and links for loading speed regardless of your location/connect speed. Importantly, WWAR allows people with information on other host sites to provide links DIRECT to their pages. It is up to the host site to submit their own information for a homepage listing within WWAR. You can't get much more individual than that! The best way to see how the site works is to pop in and take a look at:
Since the last mailout, Project 9 has undergone several tweaks to the operation and user-interface of the site to enhance performance.
- Project 9 (Nov. 12, 1996)
Turks "O-ficial" Web Page
I gotta New Bomb Turks home page ... actually the new "oficial" home page: http://www.iwaynet.net/~caz/nbt/
- CAZ (Nov. 12, 1996)
Just in: The New Bomb Turks "O-ficial" Web Page has moved to http://www.netwalk.com/~caz/nbt/. Soon there will be a mirror site at linworth.org. CAZ's new email addresess are[email protected] or [email protected]. - Ed.
Connect the Dots
Local Color ... they have a new guitarist (Chris Whitney from Madrigal) and their tunes are sounding way better. They also have a couple of new originals that they have been playing lately, written by their bassist (Mark) ...
Ed (previously of Local Color) now plays for (Ekoostik) Hookah ... John Mullins started his own band (The John Mullins Band) which includes Local Color's keyboardist (Nate), Chris Howes (excellent jazz/rock/classical violinist), and from what I hear a sax player? Anyhow, they recently played their first gig at Chelsie's (I wasn't there, but I heard that they were phenomenal!) and somewhere in Athens.
- Muse (Nov. 12, 1996)
Re: Enlargements
The Enlargements broke up, but the bassist Bo Riley and drummer Erin Schrader have started a new ska band. Their new band (still nameless) includes bass, drums, guitar, keyboard, alto & tenor sax, trombone, and trumpet. Currently, they have no full time vocalist, but their keyboardist sometimes steps into the vocalist role for a couple of numbers. Erin and Bo sometimes sing when necessary ... Their songs: some 2-tone stuff, punk-ska, spiced up old Enlargements tunes, some Fishbone and Let's Go Bowling covers. They have played several private gigs and plan on hitting the bars in a couple of months.
- Muse (Nov. 12, 1996)
Ghost Members
The Spectre lost their trombonist (Milan - ironically the founding member) ... no news on a replacement yet. They also replaced their drummer about 4 weeks ago.
- Muse (Nov. 12, 1996)
What's in a Name?
Madrigal will have to change their name soon because apparently there is another band named Madrigal somewhere in Washington state. Also, Madrigal (or rather - the band formerly known as Madrigal) will soon be on the Web.
- Muse (Nov. 12, 1996)
Mershon Reopening Soon
The Remodeling of Mershon Auditorium should be nearly complete sometime in December.
- Joel (Oct. 31, 1996)
Listen, this film is driving me bananas ... We'll be eventually putting together an incidental score for this feature baby. A brave musician will come forward and work with an ensemble to make this killer, but simple, soundtrack for my movie. You're welcome to join us as soon as you feel like it. I've been working at this project for over a year, and will still go at it till May or so.
- Carlos (Oct. 28, 1996)
Carlos is still looking for musical contributions last we heard. - Ed.